Name: Cosmic
Price: 99.98 USD

Note: This Rank is Lifetime and it applies to all servers! (Blue and Purple)

Global Commands:
Cosmic in-game and discord tag
✔ Join Full Server
✔ Set up to 300 homes
✔ Access to exclusive shops
✔ Create colored and formatted signs
✔ Can sell/bid 50 items in auctions
✔ Can join up to 12 jobs
✔ Set up to 20 Player Warps
✔ Can open backpack up to 54 item slots
✔ 56 Acquired Player Particle Effects
✔ 30 Acquired Particle Styles
✔ Chat in colors and format
✔ Private message in colors and format
✔ 16 Player Glow Colors
✔ 3 Player Glow Effects
✔ Double MCMMO XP

Global Commands:
✔ /kit Cosmic - Access to Weekly Cosmic Kit
✔ /nick - set your own nickname with color and format
✔ /hat - wear the item you hold as a hat
✔ /near - detect nearby players
✔ /phead - spawn player skulls
✔ /pwarp set (warp name) - set your own player warps.
✔ /craft - craft virtually
✔ /pp - open particle effects menu
✔ /backpack- opens your backpack
✔ /anvil - use anvil virtually
✔ /grindstone - use grindstone virtually
✔ /smithingtable - use smithingtable virtually
✔ /stonecutter - use stonecutter virtually
✔ /loom - use loom virtually
✔ /cartopgraphytable - use cartopgraphytable virtually
✔ /ci - clear inventory
✔ /feed - instant feed (Cost in-game money with a cooldown)
✔ /disposal - opens up virtual disposal bin
✔ /fly - fly around freely
✔ /depth- check your current depth
✔ /fix - instant repair of items (Cost in-game money with a cooldown)
✔ /iname - rename items w/ color, format, and special symbols
✔ /heal - instant heal (Cost in-game money with a cooldown)
✔ /compass - check your current direction
✔ /endersee - opens your virtual enderchest
✔ /getpos - get your detailed position
✔ /pweather - set your own weather
✔ /sr hideflags - hide item enchant, lores, etc.
✔ /sr characters - shows special characters
✔ /sr glow - glow any items
✔ /eglow - glow yourself to any color
✔ /me - describes yourself in chat
✔ /ptime - set your own time
✔ /reborn - reborn yourself in-game
✔ /top - instant tp to the highest block above you
✔ /chc color #(Hex Code) - RGB chat with hex color codes
✔ /condense - condenses items into more compact blocks.
✔ /fc craft- instant craft (default type)
✔ /fc craft grid - instant craft (grid type)
✔ /fc set enabled false - turn off fastcraft
✔ /hdb - opens exclusive head shop (All Heads Cost in-game Money)
✔ /setflag (flag) to turn on a claim flag
✔ /unsetflag (flag) to disable a claim flag
✔ Unlocked Claim Flags:
- Entermessage, Nomobspawns, Noleafdecay, Allowpvp, Noiceform, Noopendoors
✔ No /rtp delay
✔ /freefeed - Free Feed every 24 Hours
✔ /freeheal - Free Heal every 24 Hours
✔ /balloons - access to all balloons cosmetic pack
✔ Access to 19 Mob Disguises with setGlowing, setGlowingColor, setBaby properties
Note: Some mobs don't support setBaby property

Purchase Bonuses:
Manually Claim this using the command /claimfreebies Cosmic
You can only claim this once per realm
✔ Additional $100,000 in-game money
✔ Additional 10,000 claim blocks
✔ Additional 50 Levels in All MCMMO Skills
✔ Additional 50 MCMMO Credits (/mr to redeem)
✔ Additional 100L EXP
✔ x1 OP Crate Keys
✔ x1 Spawner Crate Keys
✔ x1 Exotic Crate Keys
✔ x1 Novel Crate Keys